I decided to put together a fall wreath tutorial because I love a good seasonal wreath. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. All the darling colors are looking their best; especially my favorite plum/cranberry purple. The orange, yellow, and purple tones always look so vibrant together, so that is the color scheme I tried to keep in mind with this wreath.

I always try to use a variety of sizes and textures in my combination of flowers because it creates a look of depth that makes the wreath more visually appealing. Obviously, I want you to choose flowers and foliage that make you happy. I always go into the store with a slight idea of what kind of wreath I want, and then I decide from there. Don’t be afraid to walk in not knowing what is available because, normally, you will find something beautiful. You can copy mine, of course, but don’t be afraid to do your own thing.

I got all my materials from Joann’s, but I often find that Hobby Lobby and Michael’s have a wonderful selection as well. During the different seasons, most of the department stores will have sales on the seasonal items, so keep an eye out if you know you will be wanting to make a wreath for an upcoming holiday. Also, don’t be afraid to try some of their apps because they will often have great deals that you won’t want to miss. I ended up spending $13 on this wreath because everything in the fall aisle was 40% off!

I always start by taking some wire cutters and separating the blooms in each individual bouquet. This makes it easier to mix different blooms together while maintaining a harmonious look. You can use scissors, but it may take longer or make the process a little bit more difficult. I usually like to start with bigger blooms, and then work my way into the smaller ones just to make sure that there is enough for the bigger blooms. Remember that throughout this process, you can keep rearranging until you like what you see.

For this particular wreath, I knew that I wanted some sunflowers. While constructing it, I decided that I wanted to start with the sunflowers and cranberry-colored mums. I knew they were going to take up quite a bit of space, and I wanted to make sure they fit. Because I separate the bouquets, it is easy to add in smaller foliage and details after the big things. You can start your wreath with whatever inspires you.

Make sure that you’ve weaved the flowers deeply into the wreath. That way, the unpredictable weather will not be able to rip them out. Usually, I find myself rearranging my wreath throughout the process. I want the colors and bloom distribution to look balanced and complete to achieve a look of harmony. I hope that you have fun with this wreath, and that it will help you enjoy the autumn season!
xx, Haley