I love telling people the story of how I met my husband. It is still so funny to me. When I ask for any questions related to my blog, there are two topics that I am usually asked about the most. One is about the process behind starting a blog, and the other is my husband. People want to know all sorts of things about him (which he thinks is super funny). The story of how we met is actually pretty funny and I know that’s what you came here for, so I’ll just dive right into it!

Before I met Wyatt, I didn’t date anybody for four years! I just felt busy with school, and I am a major homebody. Because of this, I avoided all dates—even though people kept trying to set me up! I had just applied to the Mental Health Counseling Master’s program at the University of Wyoming. I got accepted to the interview portion of the process and planned a trip to Laramie, Wyoming in early February of 2018.

My friend, Mel, was pregnant at the time and living in Laramie with her husband, who is one of my childhood best friends (more like the brother I always wanted). We decided to organize a baby shower for her while I was there! She had mentioned to me in December (2017) that Ben had a cute roommate that they wanted me to meet, but he had a girlfriend at the time. I had totally forgotten about that conversation by the time the baby shower happened.
The day after my grad school interview, we had the baby shower. My friend Ben brought Wyatt along just to stop by and say hi to everybody, but then they stayed the rest of the time (because Wyatt didn’t have his truck haha). Wyatt doesn’t like to tell people that we met at a baby shower, but I think it’s pretty funny. People always ask him stuff like, “so do you usually go to baby showers?” The answer is no, but I’m so glad he went to that one!

I recognized him from the picture Mel had showed me in December. He was a cutie!! After the baby shower, we were cleaning up and Wyatt was super helpful. As I walked outside, I was holding a big plastic tub in front of myself and wearing a long floral dress. When I managed to open the back of the car, Wyatt came walking out of the building door. Right as he looked over, the car and wind created this crazy suction and my dress went flying over my head. Because I was holding the heavy box with both hands, I couldn’t get my dress back down. Right when I finally pulled it down, I made eye contact with him and knew that he had definitely seen the whole thing.

We ended up going to lunch with Ben and Mel’s family after the shower. We got to sit together and eat cheeseburgers, and we talked the whole time. That is basically how we live now that we’re married! After that, I went back to Logan, Utah because I was still going to Utah State.
Three days after I got home, Wyatt sent me a friend request on facebook. He didn’t message me until a few days later. After a few weeks of talking over messenger, I decided to send him my phone number. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t asked for it already! After I sent that message, I got a call literally one minute later explaining why he hadn’t asked for my phone number yet. After that, we talked on the phone just about every night.

I got accepted into the master’s program in Wyoming and moved to Laramie! We spent so much time together, and fast forward almost two years, and we are married. I have never been happier. You can read more about our wedding here and watch our wedding video here!
We think it is such a funny story and we love telling it. Wyatt even mentioned it in his vows. I hope it gave you a laugh and that you enjoyed reading about how I met my amazing husband! Until next time!
xx, Haley